les prochains spectacles:

en anglais:
le 14 juin

bande annonce


Scène 2 (ENG)

We are all here to talk about That !
Do they know a lot ?
They know everything about everything !
Do they know what they have ?
They don't know what they know !
They see what they want !
And they think that what they see is real.

Here I am
Deep in thought.
I find nothing easy.

They act so quickly !
They go so quickly and they don't understand what they do.
They see so high!
They see so far!
But they don't see
Where they put their feet.

Off : Here I am!
It's all going so slowly.
Have I ever been here before ?

Act !

Wait for me !
Wait for me !
Do not leave me !
As here ….I don't know anybody here !
And I don't know where I am !

Off : Don't leave me !

2 commentaires:

  1. Kent1 des fouleck24/02/2011 19:58

    Magnifique blog,super travail!

  2. C'est clair!! Tro trop hate d'y aller en norvège! hey les filles, Vive le saumon et les voyages! lol. Merci pour le site, c'est top!
